
What to Expect After Scoliosis Surgery

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Around 3% of Americans have scoliosis. Patients with severe spinal curvature often need minimally invasive spine surgery to help restore their health, prevent progression, and improve their quality of life. 

At Advanced Neurosurgery, located in Reno and Carson City, Nevada, we specialize in providing cutting-edge scoliosis surgery. Our board-certified neurosurgeons are renowned as leaders in minimally invasive spine surgery, and we take pride in offering compassionate, patient-focused care.

For our February blog, we explain what you can expect after your scoliosis surgery. 

Who needs scoliosis surgery?

Although some people with scoliosis don’t require surgical care, those with a pronounced spinal curve (generally, one exceeding 45-50 degrees) often experience steadily worsening symptoms — and increasing health risks — if untreated.

If you’re at risk for serious ongoing problems, our experienced surgeons may recommend scoliosis surgery. Scoliosis surgery involves correcting the curvature of your spine to improve alignment and alleviate symptoms. 

Each patient’s experience will vary depending on the specifics of their surgery and overall health. 

What happens immediately after surgery?

After your procedure, we move you to the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), where trained hospital staff and your surgeon will monitor you closely.

In the PACU, our team checks your vital signs, performs neurological exams, and evaluates motor function. We monitor your pain level and other symptoms, like nausea, and administer medication to ensure your comfort.

As soon as you're stable, our team transfers you to the intensive care unit (ICU), step-down ICU, or the neurosurgery and orthopedics floor in the hospital.

Important things to know about scoliosis surgery recovery

During your hospital stay, we set you up for a successful recovery. This generally includes:

  • Physical therapy
  • Diet progression: Transition from clear liquids to solid foods
  • Incision and drain care to promote rapid healing
  • Catheter care (most patients have a Foley catheter)
  • Medication to control pain, nausea, and other symptoms
  • Gradual return to walking

Patients with chronic medical conditions, like diabetes, may need a longer hospital stay while generally healthy patients may need a shorter one. Most patients, however, can expect to go home within one to five days.

When to seek emergency care after scoliosis surgery

While post-scoliosis surgery complications are rare, it’s important to know the warning signs. Call our office if you experience:

  • Fever over 101.5° F
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sudden severe pain
  • Sudden-onset numbness
  • Sudden extreme weakness
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Excessive drainage from your incision

These symptoms could be signs of a rare surgical complication like internal bleeding. If you experience these issues, take them seriously, and reach out for help right away.

Schedule a scoliosis surgery consultation with our experts

At Advanced Neurosurgery, we’re passionate about improving the lives of patients with scoliosis. Click here to book your appointment with our experts.